Brookhill Close

Brookhill Close is a semi-fictional merger of my childhood upbringing at the bottom of a cul-de-sac in the late 80s/early 90s, whilst growing up watching the soap Opera Brookside on a very similar type of cul-de-sac. Watching the soap set in post-industrial Liverpool felt like looking into somewhat warped mirror of my own world, watchingContinue reading “Brookhill Close”

“Reset – Back to normal”, live performance at Reset the System Manchester

I’ve never much gone into WHY I use this mask for spoken word pieces. Well, in the most simplistic way, once I put on this mask, I now feel comfortable speaking what I speak. I escape a lot of shitty feelings about my facial expressions; I was made aware at a young age that IContinue reading ““Reset – Back to normal”, live performance at Reset the System Manchester”

‘The Spectre’; an avatar for a specifically ‘English trauma’.

This character became an avatar that I would embody to work through societal trauma with my own experiences implicated at the centre. He (it) began its life in a drawing from 2017, called Dead Ethics Hysteria. And then reappeared as one of the ‘6 horsemen for a bad memory for tomorrow’, in brown prohibition paperContinue reading “‘The Spectre’; an avatar for a specifically ‘English trauma’.”

Reflections on ‘A Private Civil War’

First off I’ll start with a bit of good news; the exhibition I felt I had to cancel at the beginning of the year, is now back on, and scheduled for the coming months (I will post exact date). I tend to throw the kitchen sink (metaphorically speaking) at exhibitions. This is because even thoughContinue reading “Reflections on ‘A Private Civil War’”

‘A Private Civil War’ (stories from the cult of self-belief)

‘A Private Civil War’ is my most recent work, and is a semi autobiographical monologue in relation to living in what I call a ‘cult of self-belief’. This work is more than anything about the crisis of knowing oneself in age that is perpetually telling us to be just that, our selves, but with attachedContinue reading “‘A Private Civil War’ (stories from the cult of self-belief)”