A Uk bank holiday in 2024

HEAD HELD DOWN Negativity isn’t a perception of a world outside, it’s a projection of that world inside: how you feel about yourself, as you continually manoeuvre the inner furniture, trying to feel at home. This reminder gives you rest-bite from the habit of being hard on yourself. But it splutters and withers as youContinue reading “A Uk bank holiday in 2024”

The waste that calls your name

If everything up here is exposed, then this bleached landscape is the necessary negative of the urban spaces below where addiction has become the modus operandi; where every stone is upturned, leaving no secrets, no mystery, no object to desire, just short circuits to quick fixes. “Everyone’s a junky”. If the wasteland calls you forth,Continue reading “The waste that calls your name”

The mistaken belief that pain will end: Blur’s ’13’, 25 years on

To speak with admiration of Blur still stokes fear of criticism, even to this day. I’ve read enough critiques of their class tourism in the 90s; the ease with which they simultaneously pantomimed the working class whilst being socialites in the Camden scene to make me feel like the only culture I’m allowed to talkContinue reading “The mistaken belief that pain will end: Blur’s ’13’, 25 years on”

Re-reading Franco “Bifo” Berardi’s ‘cognitarian subjectivation’ 13 years later.

Around the time of all the stuff kicking off in 2011, the student protests, the English Riots and the Occupy movement, a friend, noticing that I was projecting slightly more nervous energy than usual, suggested an article by a writer I’d never heard of. I’d only started reading in my mid 20s. After the financialContinue reading “Re-reading Franco “Bifo” Berardi’s ‘cognitarian subjectivation’ 13 years later.”

The ascent (Black Hill)

Where do you go when the direction, momentum, you indirectly, but nonetheless wholeheartedly placed your future state of being within, dissolves into thin air, and you see nothing in front of you? You go sideways. Westwards. Up here…scouring for answers. The moors are plural. One moor is every moor. But the Moors is a stateContinue reading “The ascent (Black Hill)”